Tuesday, November 21, 2006


I am SO SORRY i havn't been blogging 6 grade homework is driving me nuts even over the weekend. As you might know my sis is in ZAMBIA it is next door JK. I miss her like crazy even if she dose bug me a little I just finished the best book ever and it is named click here. I would mention the author but I forgot who it was SO SORRY. I had a really nasty fall today scraped my arm and my leg bleeding like crazy. now i have 2 bumps on my legs a matching pair+ a really gross red and bumpy bruise right next to my mucsle and since we are talking about injuries a door punched me on the eye and i got a bruise i dont know how it just did. I am going to keep on writing until have done 3 months worth of writing. AS i mentioned my teacher is awesome and super cool a little tough but hey she is a vocab teachers they are a little mean to everyone else but me. I have to say this is my longest blog entry yet I can just go on and on and on. hey laura to bad you cant come and have thanksgiving with us I really miss you and you have not seen uva's baby or come to emma's engagment party. I got a really cool dress and I need a certain zombie to eat tigran and lily I LOVE YOU SO MUCH LAURA HAVE A HAPPY THANKSGIVING SINCERLY THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL IN THE WORLD NEXT TO YOU Helen

Thursday, August 31, 2006

first day

holy crap yesterday was my first day of sixth grade and it rocked because i got the teacher i wanted and she gives out lots of candy she also she makes fun of the kids in my class and she is halirious. good my english teacher dose not read blogs or shell KICK MY BUTTi also have periods and math and languge arts are halirious. my mom is calling me write to you later ; )

Saturday, April 01, 2006


hey, I'm Helen so far I am 11yrs old and live in CA. I am in elementary school and school lunches reek- literally. For example burritos in my school make you fart in class I usually like burritos but my school can spoil everything including soup. When we have ham and grill cheese nobody gets it for a certain reason it tastes like pure uncooked rubber. Sometings in my school are ok:
most teachers
The 1 thing i hate about my school is the people who think they are so cool in reality they are jerks. But i am not saying everyone is a jerk some are people are nice only the people who hit me and call me names (i usually dont react).

ok i have to eat breakfast now talk 2 u later. :)